COVID 19 Vaccine Distribution and Storage: Increasing Access to Quality, Safe, and Effective Vaccine Products (On-Demand)


 Course Description:In June 2021, the leaders from the Group of Seven industrialized nations committed to sharing at least 1 billion COVID-19 vaccine doses with countries where vaccination efforts have lagged. One essential aspect to expanding vaccination rates globally is to ensure appropriate storage and distribution of the vaccines throughout the supply chain. Each of the vaccine platforms and products have different storage and distribution requirements that countries must effectively consider and manage so that vaccine integrity is maintained from the point of manufacture to the point of administration.
Convened by United States Pharmacopeia (USP), this webinar will discuss the challenges in assuring appropriate storage and distribution for the different COVID 19 vaccine products that are currently available.

The live version of this recording took place on July 8, 2021

Who should participate:

  • Stakeholders working on vaccines/immunization programs.
  • Regulators
  • Supply chain management professionals
  • Immunization program professionals
  • Representatives from national COVID 19 taskforces
  • Country representatives from WHO or UNICEF
  • Any other interested professionals

Access Duration:Access to this course expires 60 days from the date of registration or until you mark the course ‘Complete’ – whichever occurs first.

USP Approved Instructor

Desmond G. Hunt, Ph.D
Principal Scientific Liaison, USP

Maura C. Kibbey USP Staff
Senior Scientific Fellow, Global Biologics