Essentials of Control and Testing of Sterile Products (Classroom)


This two-day course will offer participants a comprehensive insight into compendial (USP) microbiological quality requirements in the context of Sterile Products vis a vis USP General Chapters <51>, <71>, <1227>, <85>, <151>, <1211>, <1229>, <1228> and <1117>, while also discussing the best practices in a microbiology laboratory and common compliance issues related to USP Microbiology requirements.

By taking this course, you will be able to:

  • Describe the role of USP in microbiology and sterility assurance
  • Understand antimicrobial effectiveness tests, sterility tests, pyrogen and bacterial endotoxin tests
  • Define sterility assurance, sterilization, aseptic processing and depyrogenation
  • Describe laboratory best practices in microbiology and common compliance issues to avoid
  • Participate in the USP standards-setting process.

Who Should Participate:

  • QA/QC staff
  • RA managers
  • Scientists
  • Investigators
  • Other professionals who work or interact in a pharmaceutical microbiology laboratory environment.