Multi-Ingredient Dietary Supplement Products: Development of Quality Tests

Multi-Ingredient Dietary Supplement Products


The United States Pharmacopeial (USP) hosted a Multi-Ingredient Dietary Supplement Products - Development of Quality Tests Open Forum on Thursday, May 6, 2021.

USP’s proposed General Chapter <2800> Multi-ingredient Dietary Supplement Products - Development of Quality Tests are intended to provide guidance on the development of quality tests for assessing adherence to established specifications for multi-ingredient products. The chapter can also be a helpful tool for manufacturers in developing appropriate specifications for multi-ingredient products.

The Open Forum was held to discuss the proposed content of the chapter with stakeholders and learn what additional information might be useful to include in the chapter to improve the quality and relevance of the chapter before it is posted in Pharmacopeial Forum (PF) for public comment.

Event Summary Coming Soon

Event Presentations

  1. Role of USP General Chapters and Compliance, Kit Goldman
  2. General Chapters 2800 Multi-Ingredient DS Products Development of Quality Test-Overview – Natalia Davydova
  3. HPTLC for Describing and Controlling the Quality of Poly-Herbal Formulations, Eike Reich
  4. USP Monograph in a Small Contract Laboratory: Case Studies, Aniko Solyom

For further information please contact Natalia Davydova, Principal Scientist at