Call for Abstracts

Abstract Submission Deadline Aug. 1, 2022

We are pleased to invite you to submit an abstract for oral presentation at the Hybrid USP/BioPhorum Joint Workshop on Continuous Manufacturing of Biologics to be held on December 7 and 8, 2022.

The Steering Committee is accepting abstracts for presentations on the following topics for continuous manufacturing of biologics:

  • Business case for developing and implementing BCM
  • Technical challenges and successes for BCM
  • Control strategies for BCM processes including process analytical technologies
  • Regulatory considerations for implementing BCM
  • Overcoming barriers/risks to bringing BCM to manufacturing
  • Facility design or modification to facilitate adoption of BCM
  • Impact of BCM on cost of goods
  • Managing impact of BCM on time to clinic/market and ideas for acceleration
  • Global needs vs. local needs, providing equitable access to Biologics via BCM
  • BCM beyond mAbs; other advanced therapies

Types of presentations

  • Case studies
  • Success stories
  • Sharing pitfalls/learnings
  • Learnings from small molecule (process control, regulatory engagement, business case)
  • New technologies
  • Facility design/implementation
  • Modeling
  • Implementation strategies (mitigating risks)

Two presentation formats will be considered by the steering committee: full-length presentations (25 min) and short talks (5 min). The short talk format is meant to provide additional opportunities to connect with conference participants.

Contributed speaker abstract submission timeline:

•    Submission deadline: Please submit abstracts by Aug. 1, 2022. Priority review will be given for early submissions, so we encourage you to submit your abstract as soon as possible. Students and junior scientists are also encouraged to submit abstracts.
•    Notification of acceptance/denial and presentation format: Notification will be sent beginning in early September, 2022. Upon acceptance, we ask that you have prepared a bio and photo to share with us so that we can incorporate that into the meeting materials to share on the website and with workshop attendees.

Submission instructions:

  1. Submit your abstract
    Abstracts should be no longer than 350 words in the main body and submitted in Microsoft Word (or equivalent) format using 12-point Arial font. A figure or table is allowed if required for the abstract.
  2. Your abstract must include your full contact information: presenter’s name, title, organization, email address, and telephone number.
    If there are multiple authors on the abstract, please indicate one person who will be the presenter.
  3. Please indicate your format preference on your submission: full presentation or short talk.
    The steering committee will make the final decisions as to the disposition of the submitted abstracts.
  4. Please send your abstract submission to:
    John Kokai-Kun at
  5. Financial considerations for approved presenters
    Complimentary workshop registration will be provided for full presentation session speakers.
  6. Assistance
    If you have any questions or are experiencing difficulties in the submission process, please contact:
    John Kokai-Kun
    Director, External Scientific Collaboration, USP Global Biologics