Excipients Stakeholder Forum

USP hosted its annual Excipients Stakeholder Forum on Wednesday, November 29, 2017.  The USP Excipients Stakeholder Forum was designed to enable an exchange of information and perspectives between USP and users of USP standards, with the ultimate goal of improving USP standards. The Excipients Stakeholder Forum provides an opportunity for manufacturers, distributors, users of excipients, and regulatory agencies to discuss topics in an open forum setting.

Click below to view presentations and audio from the Excipients Stakeholder forum on new USP branding, accelerated revision posting process, stakeholder forum updates and more.

  • Excipients Stakeholder Forum: Welcome

    Chair John Punzi, along with USP’s Catherine Sheehan and Jacqueline Starkes, outlines the objectives of the Stakeholder Forum and kicks off the program for the attendees.

  • Excipients Stakeholder Forum: USP Branding

    USP’s new logo and branding are designed to communicate to the world who we are, what we do and how we do it. John Giannone, USP’s Senior Director of Strategic Marketing and Program Operations for Excipients, explains the background and messaging associated with USP’s new look, which was launched in mid-2017.

  • Excipients Stakeholder Forum: Accelerated Revision Posting

    Jessica Simpson, Manager of Compendial Operations for USP, presents the details of the USP’s change to a monthly posting schedule for revision bulletins and errata. Background and effects of this change are described, including the benefit of helping to shorten the compliance gap for affected organizations.

  • Excipients Stakeholder Forum: Stakeholder Forum Progress and Achievements

    Hong Wang, Senior Manager, Science – Excipients at USP, presents updates achieved through previous Stakeholder Forums, highlighting participation by a broad range of excipients stakeholders, including representatives from industry, regulatory agencies and USP in developing new and updated standards.

  • Excipients Stakeholder Forum: New USP Website

    Tracy Lin, USP’s Director of Digital Communications, provides a tutorial of USP’s completely redesigned website, explaining its structure and greatly improved searching capabilities. Also included is a real-time demo of the site and how to find some of the most commonly accessed information.

Atypical Activities

A major focus of this year’s Excipients Stakeholder Forum was atypical actives (excipients used as active ingredients in pharmaceuticals), with perspectives on this hot topic from USP, FDA and industry.

Click the link below to access videos of these insightful presentations to gain a better understanding of current challenges and future opportunities concerning atypical actives.

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