Contribute to the USP Donations Program

By contributing information and materials to the USP Donations Program you help to accelerate the development of quality standards and ultimately protect global public health. Whether you submit analytical methods and related information or materials, you will be engaged throughout every stage of the standards development process.

The information and materials that you contribute enable USP, industry and regulators to set public standards for the identity, strength, quality, and purity/potency of medicines. Your contributions underscore your company’s dedication to quality, reflecting positively on your corporate reputation. New or revised standards reflecting these contributions can also help to meet regulatory requirements. When you align compendial requirements to compendial filings for your products, you can save valuable time and resources.

New or Revised Standards

Contribute to help develop new standards or assist in the revision process.

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Comment on Current Proposals in the Pharmacopeia Forum (PF)

Help shape the future of public standards by reviewing and commenting on USP’s publicly proposed revisions to the USP-NF.

Compendial requests

Respond to USP-initiated requests to address FDA comments for a PF proposal.

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Reference Materials for Standards Development

Reference Standard Material

Contribute reference standard materials to help establish the continuous availability of quality reference standards.

Analytical Reference Materials (ARMs) Program

Help address current and immediate needs across the drug lifecycle with quality analytical materials that are not available as USP Reference Standards. In some cases, these materials could be associated with drugs and excipients that do not have an official USP monograph or compendia chapter.

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Get Started by Following Our Guidelines

Please review the guidelines for methods and related information submissions to USP. Adherence to these guidelines streamlines your contribution and avoids publication delays.

Method and Related Information Guidelines

Explore monographs that USP has designated as a priority for new development or revision.  

USP Prioritization Lists

USP Recognizes Your Contributions

Your contribution plays a vital role in improving global public health by developing and ensuring the availability of quality standards in more than 130 countries across the world. You are a champion of quality. To demonstrate our appreciation for your valuable contributions, USP proudly acknowledges you within our Donor Recognition Program.

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Below you will find the appropriate contacts to help you with your need:

  • For methods and related information along with physical material contribution inquiries, contact
  • For Reference Standard contribution inquiries, contact Gregory E. Agoston at
  • For Donor Recognition Program inquiries, contact

Please reference our Method and Related Information Guidelines or the USP Reference Standard Candidate Materials Form for contributions. For any other inquiries, please contact