Resource library

From white papers and blogs to feature stories and reports, our global health library features a variety of resources and publications to help improve quality assurance across the medicine supply chain.

Featured publications

Report: Manufacturing HIV/AIDS commodities in Africa

Expanding regional manufacturing of rapid HIV tests and AIDS medicines will bolster public health across the continent.

Explore the interactive report

Blog: Producing maternal health supplies in sub-Saharan Africa
Blog: Producing maternal health supplies in sub-Saharan Africa

Manufacturing landscape study reveals need for more African-based producers to expand, strengthen, and diversify regional manufacturing.

Read the blog

Report: 2023 global health impact
Report: 2023 global health impact

In 2023, we improved the availability and affordability of quality-assured medical products for millions of people worldwide.

Explore the interactive report

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Feature stories

Press releases

Technology reviews

White papers and reports

Other resources