Methods and Related Information Guidelines

The Guideline for Submitting Requests for Revision to the USP–NF: General Information for All Submissions provides more specific details on contributing information, developing new monographs, or revising proposed or official monographs in the USP–NF. Revisions can range from an entire monograph to specific monograph tests, procedures, and/or acceptance criteria. USP also welcomes proposed revisions to General Chapters and the General Notices and Requirements.

You can contribute information for articles that are already FDA-approved or otherwise legally marketed. In certain cases, USP also works with manufacturers whose articles are undergoing clearance through the FDA review and approval process through our Pending Program.

Small Molecules


Excipients Request for Revision Guideline: Substances other than the active pharmaceutical ingredient (API) that are intentionally included in an approved drug delivery system or a finished drug product.


Path Forward and Stakeholder Engagement: Biologics Standards Development

Dietary Supplements, Herbal Medicines and Food Ingredient Guidelines

Botanical Dietary Supplements: Botanical drugs, botanical dietary supplements, and herbal medicine ingredients. 

Non-Botanical Dietary Supplements: Vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and specialty ingredients (e.g., chondroitin, creatine, probiotics). 

Admission of Dietary Supplement Ingredients to the USP–NF Monograph Development Process: Criteria used to determine whether a dietary ingredient qualifies for admission to the USP–NF process for quality monograph development. 

Food Ingredients Monographs: Foods, food additives, food colors, processing aids (e.g., enzymes), and functional ingredients that affect the human body.  

FCC Revisions  

FCC Submission Checklist 

Guideline for Assigning Titles to USP Dietary Supplement Monographs: This guideline streamlines the naming of dietary supplement (DS) monograph articles in the USP–NF and in the DSC. It provides a written systematic approach to developing monograph titles for dietary ingredients and dietary supplement dosage forms newly admitted to USP. In order to minimize the potential for confusion and controversy, the nomenclature approach is informed by the practices of the dietary supplement industry and the labeling requirements of applicable federal regulations.

Compounded Preparation Monograph

USP Compounding Monograph Donation Checklist 

Additional Guidelines 

USP Guideline on Use of Accelerated Processes for Revisions to the USP–NF: This guideline delineates the circumstances under which Errata, IRAs, and Revision Bulletins can be utilized to make revisions to the USP–NF official more quickly than through USP's standard revision process

USP Guideline on Drugs Approved for Inclusion: Under the Medicare program administered by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), certain drugs and biologics are eligible for reimbursement only upon being designated as “approved for inclusion” in the USP.  This document includes background on the criteria for a product being “approved for inclusion” in the USP and provides manufacturers with guidelines on how to pursue the “approved for inclusion” designation for a newly approved product while a monograph is under development.

USP Guideline for Contributors of USP Reference Standard Candidate Materials: USP’s Reference Standard program relies on the generosity of partners, who, as experts in the field, provide high-quality candidate materials intended for use in the development of official public standards. This describes the general requirements for supplying such materials to USP.

USP Prioritization Lists

Looking to contribute methods and related information to assist USP with developing quality standards that are not currently part of the official USP–NF, Food Chemicals Codex, or Dietary Supplements Compendium; please see USP’s prioritization lists below. If you would like to contribute but do not see your article on the list please contact the Quality Standards Accelerator Program at

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Get the Recognition You Deserve

Your contribution plays a vital role in improving global public health by developing and ensuring the availability of quality standards in more than 130 countries across the world. You are a champion of quality. To demonstrate our appreciation for your valuable contributions, USP proudly acknowledges you within our Champion Recognition Program.  

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Below you will find the appropriate contacts to help you with your need:

Please reference our Method and Related Information Guidelines or the USP Reference Standard Candidate Materials Form for contributions. For any other inquiries, please contact