eLearning: USP 795 Pharmaceutical Compounding—Nonsterile Preparations for Compounding Professionals


This course covers chapter revisions that published in the USP-NF at the end of 2022 and will go into effect November 2023.

Course Description:

This eLearning course, delivered through an innovative, interactive, online format, aims to improve your knowledge in the implementation of USP General Chapter <795> Pharmaceutical Compounding—Nonsterile Preparations.

The course describes the scope of USP <795>, outlines the responsibilities of compounders, defines the criteria for component selection and describes the facility requirements for nonsterile compounding. In addition, the course reviews the dispensing and quality assurance control requirements for nonsterile compounding described in the standard.

Upon completion of this course, you will be able to:

  • Explain the scope of USP <795> including who it applies to, the basic aspects of nonsterile compounding, and the roles and responsibilities of designated persons.
  • Identify USP <795> requirements for personnel qualification including training, evaluation, and requalification.
  • Describe USP <795> standards that apply to compounding spaces, equipment, and components used in nonsterile compounding.
  • Examine the quality assurance and quality control program requirements to achieve consistently high-quality compounded nonsterile preparations (CNSPs)
  • Explain how to handle complaints and report adverse events.
  • Determine the proper cleaning and sanitizing processes to ensure a clean, orderly, and sanitary environment for preparing quality CNSPs.
  • Use USP <795> requirements for establishing Beyond-Use Dates for va