Laboratory Management and Operational Efficiency (Classroom)


Course Description:
To meet the required standards for QC laboratories, laboratory management must commit to implementing the relevant quality management system: ISO/IEC 17025 or WHO Good Practices for Pharmaceutical Quality Control Laboratories (GPCL). In most cases, laboratory management is not fully aware of what is required by these standards and, even more commonly, how the requirements can be applied to their laboratories. To minimize operational cost and maximize resources, thereby improving the quality of laboratory output (test data), fundamental management principles such as finance, personnel, risk and safety, etc., in addition to quality, should also be implemented in the laboratory.

This course, offered by USP–Ghana, seeks to build the requisite competencies required to efficiently manage a QC laboratory. Interactive classroom sessions with seasoned experts in laboratory management as well as relevant and inciteful case studies provide the ideal setting for knowledge gaining and sharing. At the end of this course, participants will have the knowledge and tools required to efficiently manage a pharmaceutical QC laboratory.

Topics for discussion include:

  • Understand and efficiently apply laboratory management requirements.
  • Apply management principles and best practices to:
    • Management of facility and equipment
    • Consumables and inputs
    • Personnel
  • Understand and apply principles of Laboratory Information systems.
  • Understand, evaluate and apply principles of Risk and safety management.
  • Understand and apply basic financial management principles for sustainability of the laboratory.

Who should participate:

  • Managers of Medicines Regulatory Laboratories
  • Pharmaceutical Laboratory Managers