2020–2025 Non-Botanical Dietary Supplements Expert Committee Work Plan

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Focus Areas

  • Non-botanical (vitamins, minerals, amino acids, enzymes) dietary supplement ingredient and product monographs

Expert Committee Charge

  • The Non-Botanical Dietary Supplements Expert Committee is responsible for the development of new and revision of existing monographs and their associated reference materials for non-botanical dietary supplement ingredients and products.

Key Issues

  • Work with FDA and stakeholders to develop new and improve existing non-botanical dietary supplement monographs
  • Work with FDA and stakeholders to improve existing non-botanical drug monographs
  • Modernize assay methods by titration to high-performance liquid chromatography and other advanced methods as appropriate

Non-Botanical Dietary Supplements (NBDS) Expert Committee Roster Expert Committee Members 

  • Raimar Loebenberg, Chair, Pro tem
  • Dennis Gorecki, Vice Chair
  • Mike Bradley
  • Wei Gao
  • James Harnly
  • Philip Haselberger
  • Joy Joseph
  • Shauna Roman
  • Jean Schoeni
  • Ed Shneyvas
  • Aniko Solyom
  • Karunakar Sukuru

Government Liaisons:

  • Lawrence Perez, FDA
  • Michael Steller, Health Canada

Expert Advisors: 

  • Wilmer Perera 
  • Eike Reich

Associated Expert Bodies

  • Dietary Supplements and Herbal Medicines Nomenclature Joint Subcommittee
  • Probiotics Expert Panel
  • Modern Analytical Methods Joint Subcommittee

Standards Development

  • The latest ballot results can be found here (results can be filtered by particular ECs).
  • The status of Revisions, Deferrals, Cancellations, Commentary, and Index for each USP–NF and Supplement can be found here.

Learn more about the impact of this EC and its Associated Expert Bodies
