USP Expert Committee Meeting Non-member Registration Form

Observers and invited guests, considered non-member participants, are welcome to attend open Expert Committee, Expert Panel, and/or Joint Standard Setting Subcommittee meetings. Non-member participants must submit the form below at least five business days in advance of the selected meeting. USP will acknowledge receipt of registration by email, but will not approve requests more than 21 days prior to the meeting.

Expectations of the registration process and meeting attendance are outlined below, however, it is required that all non-member participants read sections 12.01 and 12.03 of the Rules and Procedures of the 2020-2025 Council of Experts.

  • USP may deny participation to an observer if a completed form is not received at least five business days prior to the meeting
  • USP reserves the right to refuse permission for an observer to attend a meeting
  • Space for non-member participants may be limited and USP will make every effort to equitably distribute the openings
  • The use of audio or visual/video recording devices during any Expert Committee, Expert Panel or Joint Standard Setting Subcommittee meeting is prohibited, unless specifically authorized in advance
  • Non-member participants must be excused from the meeting during confidential discussions and deliberations
  • The Chair may excuse non-member participants from the meeting at his or her discretion
  • USP cannot guarantee that non-member participants will be called on to participate in the meeting discussions
  • Meeting agendas are subject to change up to the date of the meeting

For further information, please contact USP Volunteers (

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